Monday, October 25, 2010

Every Day

Well nothing extremely exciting has happend this week. However school has been getting easier for me and I feel less out of place and alone as I did before. I decided that this is where God wants me and that I simply need to be still and focus on my studies and on Him. I have also decided to do what I have passion for, in this case, the guitar. I am going to teach myself to play the guitar and I have already learned "Sweet Home Alabama". It is not very good right not because I am working on it. One day at a time! Cheerleading is going good as well. The basketball season is just about ready to begin so we will be doing more games instead of just practicing!! I have followed my own advice and got involved and become more open with meeting new people, and I am a living example that it works quite well.

Till next time,
Laura Stoltzfus

P.S. LAYER YOUR CLOTHES!!!! It helps when your walking in the cold air and then when you step into your overly warm class, you won't die of heat!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Registering for Classes...

Wow, I can't believe it is time to already start registering for next semester classes. Even though this first semester is not yet over, it has gone by so fast!I had no idea where to even start with registering for my next semester classes but luckily I have a friend that lives on my hall that loves doing schedules so she was the best ever and helped me figure and plan it all out. I am really excited about my next semester, if it all works out, my earliest class will be at 9. I also need to declare my major as English Education. It is kind of scary to declare what I will be doing for my career..for my life. It still has not settled into my brain that I am at college. I just do not feel like I am at school, which is really weird. I think the part that gets me is that here at Eastern, we have nights of worship and prayer, which doesn't happen at high school or other colleges. I feel like, even though I get really frustrated here sometimes with nothing to do, I feel like God is telling me to be still and listen..and be patient.

Well the new things that happened on campus this week was Hoops Mania, which is kind of like a pep rally introduction both women and men's basketball and also the cheerleaders. They mix both teams and have a little scrimmage to get the crowd and everyone excited about the upcoming season. There was also a performance by the cheerleaders and free pizza. It was a really fun event and everyone did a really good job.

Its funny how everything can change just like that such as the weather, the color of the trees, the heart, the mind, everything really... The only thing that is 100% constant is God. He is forever the same. He will forever love us. He will forever be there to save us. It just amazes me how people can just over look Him and forsake Him but yet he will forever and ever love us unconditionally. I don't know what I would do with my life, my thoughts, my dreams if I didn't have that constant in my life. Our God is a pretty awesome God!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Free Days.. and Weather Changes :)

So the weather is starting to colder and the leaves are changing colors, doesn't it just make you wonder how everything changes and why..? Like think about it, God much be a pretty incredible creative God to think about all these wonderful things that we see everyday!! I had a conversation the other day with one of my guy friends, who is not a christian, and we started talking about religion and what we believe in. He had some good points about why he doesn't really believe in God or that he is the reason that everything happens the way that it does, but it just really got me thinking about, how can someone look at all these wonderful things around us such as the stars at night mixed in with the milky way, the trees and weather changing color around the same time year after year, the way our bodies work separately and together, how our minds work, etc, and not believe that there is a higher power, that there is a God?

Anyway, that was my little ramble for this post. Things that are going on for me right well as I said the weather is starting to change which means I need to pack away the shorts, skirts, tank tops, and flip flops and bring out the sweaters and boots. Its also time for Mid-terms. Luckily I do not have any classes with mid-terms, which saves me from nights of no sleep and tons of stress. Also coming up, actually tomorrow is Fall Free Days!! I am so excited! Everyone loves a super long weekend where we can relax, go home, see our family, and just gather our lives back before starting again on Monday! I am going home for the weekend and I can wait to just relax at home, no homework (I am actually a week ahead of pretty much all classes) and just to be able to see my friends again! We don't realize how important our friends are until we feel like we have none.

I guess the hint of today's post would be, dress warm and expect it to be colder than it actually is. It is so much easier to take items of clothing off, then it is to wish you had more! Also get your sleep, I know that as a freshman we don't really know how to manage our sleeping arrangements just yet, but getting your sleep will help your body adjust to the weather changes, helping you not to get sick!
Have an awesome weekend and remember to think about all the wonderful things that God has created!!

God Bless,
Laura Stoltzfus

Monday, October 4, 2010


So it has started getting colder at Eastern now which kinda sucks because its cold and you have to walk to all your classes.. GOOD THING IS TO HAVE BOOTS AND AN UMBRELLA!!! So I went to visit my friends at Misercordia University this weekend and also to watch our soccer boys play..which we won!!! sweet!!! I realized how bound we are here at Eastern as far as meeting people. At MU there were no visitation hours and restrictions like that.. the boys and girls were still seperated floor wise but it was mroe free and i think that i met more people in that one night there then I have this whole time at Eastern..totally not bashing EU though..i love my EAGLES!!!  I just realized that I need to step out of my little bubble and be more bold and confident in meeting guys and girls. Its all on me..o boy!!!

So here is a little random video of a kid i know and love very much!! He goes to my high school and is incredibly talented and the coolest guy ever!!!! Seeing what he is doing with his life and his talents makes me want to discover my true talents and use them the way that God wants me to..goal of the Anyway enjoy the video because I do!!!!

Have a great week guys and try to keep bundled up and warm so you dont get the flu...and get sleep!!! Very  important in college is work on your time management!!!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy Days

Hello again,
Sorry it has been a while since I have last posted but so much has happened. Before when I had talked about getting involved with college and clubs near by because it helps you adjust more...well that I took my own advice. Its not really a club I guess but I tried out and made the cheerleading squad here at Eastern University. I use to cheer before but haven't in a very long time. It is going so good besides the fact that during a stunt, a girl fell onto my head and now I have a concussion.... OOPS!! I am super excited to start cheering at the games though and can't wait to get our new uniforms. If you are reading this and attend EU, please come and support the basketball teams and see us cheer :). Also if you are interested in playing a sport.. check out the EU athletic website..great information as well as the upcoming events going on. I would totally encourage getting involved with sports, clubs, or activities going on around campus. TOTALLY WORTH IT. 

Till next time.. have a great week and awesome fact or today...rain-boots are a MUST in college life :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First post!!

Well this is my first time ever blogging so I am kinda new at it! For all of you who read this, if any do, this blog is about getting settled in college! The reason I am starting this blog in the first place to because it is a class assignment and we have to post weekly things for people to read. I decided to gear it towards high school kids thinking about college and also first year college students because I am currently one myself.

So far college has been an awesome experience for me and I am so glad that I decided on Eastern University. It is very important when choosing a college to pick one that you and your parents are comfortable with because if your parents are comfortable with it the less they will worry and keep taps on you! I knew the moment I stepped foot onto Eastern that it was where I wanted to spend the next four years of my life at. Being comfortble is a huge factor to being happy at college! It took me a while to get everything together and it seemed like the list of supplies was unending! If you know who your rooming with, split the list down the middle, you will save tons of money that way and yet still have everything you need! Saving money is a HUGE thing when in college! Also take time to get to know your roommate before you go to college so that you are not completely strangers when meeting..believe helps take the awkwardness away! I had so much fun picking everything out for my dorm room! Getting all the little things that just makes the room more like home is a great idea, makes you miss your actual room less. One thing that is great about college is it is certainly not a time to be shy.. so if you is your time to step out and start new! New faces, names and take advantage of that but don't forget to be true to who you really are!

Main point of today...SAVE MONEY and BE YOURSELF!!!

Ill be posting again shortly, i hope that whoever reads this will either find it helpful..or feel free to ask me questions!! its what im here for! God Bless!!