Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Registering for Classes...

Wow, I can't believe it is time to already start registering for next semester classes. Even though this first semester is not yet over, it has gone by so fast!I had no idea where to even start with registering for my next semester classes but luckily I have a friend that lives on my hall that loves doing schedules so she was the best ever and helped me figure and plan it all out. I am really excited about my next semester, if it all works out, my earliest class will be at 9. I also need to declare my major as English Education. It is kind of scary to declare what I will be doing for my career..for my life. It still has not settled into my brain that I am at college. I just do not feel like I am at school, which is really weird. I think the part that gets me is that here at Eastern, we have nights of worship and prayer, which doesn't happen at high school or other colleges. I feel like, even though I get really frustrated here sometimes with nothing to do, I feel like God is telling me to be still and listen..and be patient.

Well the new things that happened on campus this week was Hoops Mania, which is kind of like a pep rally introduction both women and men's basketball and also the cheerleaders. They mix both teams and have a little scrimmage to get the crowd and everyone excited about the upcoming season. There was also a performance by the cheerleaders and free pizza. It was a really fun event and everyone did a really good job.

Its funny how everything can change just like that such as the weather, the color of the trees, the heart, the mind, everything really... The only thing that is 100% constant is God. He is forever the same. He will forever love us. He will forever be there to save us. It just amazes me how people can just over look Him and forsake Him but yet he will forever and ever love us unconditionally. I don't know what I would do with my life, my thoughts, my dreams if I didn't have that constant in my life. Our God is a pretty awesome God!

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