Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Free Days.. and Weather Changes :)

So the weather is starting to colder and the leaves are changing colors, doesn't it just make you wonder how everything changes and why..? Like think about it, God much be a pretty incredible creative God to think about all these wonderful things that we see everyday!! I had a conversation the other day with one of my guy friends, who is not a christian, and we started talking about religion and what we believe in. He had some good points about why he doesn't really believe in God or that he is the reason that everything happens the way that it does, but it just really got me thinking about, how can someone look at all these wonderful things around us such as the stars at night mixed in with the milky way, the trees and weather changing color around the same time year after year, the way our bodies work separately and together, how our minds work, etc, and not believe that there is a higher power, that there is a God?

Anyway, that was my little ramble for this post. Things that are going on for me right well as I said the weather is starting to change which means I need to pack away the shorts, skirts, tank tops, and flip flops and bring out the sweaters and boots. Its also time for Mid-terms. Luckily I do not have any classes with mid-terms, which saves me from nights of no sleep and tons of stress. Also coming up, actually tomorrow is Fall Free Days!! I am so excited! Everyone loves a super long weekend where we can relax, go home, see our family, and just gather our lives back before starting again on Monday! I am going home for the weekend and I can wait to just relax at home, no homework (I am actually a week ahead of pretty much all classes) and just to be able to see my friends again! We don't realize how important our friends are until we feel like we have none.

I guess the hint of today's post would be, dress warm and expect it to be colder than it actually is. It is so much easier to take items of clothing off, then it is to wish you had more! Also get your sleep, I know that as a freshman we don't really know how to manage our sleeping arrangements just yet, but getting your sleep will help your body adjust to the weather changes, helping you not to get sick!
Have an awesome weekend and remember to think about all the wonderful things that God has created!!

God Bless,
Laura Stoltzfus

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