Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy Days

Hello again,
Sorry it has been a while since I have last posted but so much has happened. Before when I had talked about getting involved with college and clubs near by because it helps you adjust more...well that I took my own advice. Its not really a club I guess but I tried out and made the cheerleading squad here at Eastern University. I use to cheer before but haven't in a very long time. It is going so good besides the fact that during a stunt, a girl fell onto my head and now I have a concussion.... OOPS!! I am super excited to start cheering at the games though and can't wait to get our new uniforms. If you are reading this and attend EU, please come and support the basketball teams and see us cheer :). Also if you are interested in playing a sport.. check out the EU athletic website..great information as well as the upcoming events going on. I would totally encourage getting involved with sports, clubs, or activities going on around campus. TOTALLY WORTH IT. 

Till next time.. have a great week and awesome fact or today...rain-boots are a MUST in college life :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First post!!

Well this is my first time ever blogging so I am kinda new at it! For all of you who read this, if any do, this blog is about getting settled in college! The reason I am starting this blog in the first place to because it is a class assignment and we have to post weekly things for people to read. I decided to gear it towards high school kids thinking about college and also first year college students because I am currently one myself.

So far college has been an awesome experience for me and I am so glad that I decided on Eastern University. It is very important when choosing a college to pick one that you and your parents are comfortable with because if your parents are comfortable with it the less they will worry and keep taps on you! I knew the moment I stepped foot onto Eastern that it was where I wanted to spend the next four years of my life at. Being comfortble is a huge factor to being happy at college! It took me a while to get everything together and it seemed like the list of supplies was unending! If you know who your rooming with, split the list down the middle, you will save tons of money that way and yet still have everything you need! Saving money is a HUGE thing when in college! Also take time to get to know your roommate before you go to college so that you are not completely strangers when meeting..believe helps take the awkwardness away! I had so much fun picking everything out for my dorm room! Getting all the little things that just makes the room more like home is a great idea, makes you miss your actual room less. One thing that is great about college is it is certainly not a time to be shy.. so if you is your time to step out and start new! New faces, names and take advantage of that but don't forget to be true to who you really are!

Main point of today...SAVE MONEY and BE YOURSELF!!!

Ill be posting again shortly, i hope that whoever reads this will either find it helpful..or feel free to ask me questions!! its what im here for! God Bless!!